MGB Midget – Renovations process of the Car
Renovation of the Historic Vehicle
Each restoration is a long process, sometimes lasting even years. However, it is worth waiting for the results of the work because they are really impressive! renovation from the start to dismantle the body and check for general condition. the body is brought into repair flashing and the rest of part vehicle goes to the workshop, where it is dismantled. the site body is sandblasted and protected against corrosion. after the application of epoxy primer and filler, paint the selected color. chassis and cut on a single drive part. every element is carefully inspected by us, faulty components are replaced or leeched (if they can no longer get on the market). replace all wearing parts system (eg. bearings, rubber parts) and electrical installation. also, carry out an overhaul of the drive unit including checking the status of individual units. including check head condition, the engine block, cylinders, and crankshaft together with cradles. We remove the old fluids and sediments accumulated. completely renovating the brake system and the suspension system. Each element is subjected to a thorough analysis and examined for damage. cleaned, repaired, and secured back into place. some of the components – eg. brake lines and fuel – are immediately replaced by new ones. the last step is to submit all of the elements restored together. the body is joined to the chassis, and the installed trim, windows, and trim is. refreshed and repaired upholstery falls into place. after testing, and efficiency regulations and the car is ready to drive! We provide technical examination and setting of the wheel geometry. we test drive the car and pay the owner renovated. the whole process is documented in photographs, which the owner receives at delivery.
Renovation of the car is a long-term project, lasting sometimes several months. oldtimer everyone who goes to our workshop has a chance for a second youth. restore his heyday start of the project. It includes a time work schedule and determines the order of their execution. at the request of the owner of the vehicle, you can make changes. first of all these changes in the technical parameters (higher power drive unit) and the appearance of the car (eg. change in the type of upholstery and interior trim). we also realize projects whose task is to improve the comfort of everyday use. in our workshop we perform renovations on brands such as Aston Martin, Mercedes, Jaguar MG, Porsche, Lotus, and Rolls-Royce. we also deal with other cars, which leads to a good technical condition and fully functional. For detailed information please contact us by the email or phone or visit our website dedicated to the restoration of historic cars